

Der Wisent oder Europäische Bison ist eine europäische Rinderart. Wisente kamen bis in das frühe Mittelalter in den Urwäldern von West-, Zentral- und Südosteuropa vor. Ihr Lebensraum sind gemäßigte Laub-, Nadel- und Mischwälder mit großen... Wikipedia
Gewicht: 610 kg (Erwachsener)
Länge: 2,9 m (Erwachsener)
Erhaltungszustand: Potenziell gefährdet (Zunehmend)
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Bison bonasus
Tragzeit: 266 Tage
Stellung in der Nahrungskette: Pflanzenfresser
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Wisent von en.wikipedia.org
The European bison is the heaviest wild land animal in Europe, and individuals in the past may have been even larger than their modern-day descendants.
Wisent von www.merriam-webster.com
a bison (Bison bonasus) of European forests that has golden to dark brown dense fur and is slightly smaller in size than the related American bison.
The wisent is dependent on water, knocking holes in the ice in winter with their hooves to reach the liquid. Population densities are about 12 animals per 1,000 ...
Wisent von animalia.bio
Wisents are diurnal and social animals, which live in both mixed and only male groups. Mixed groups consist of adult females, calves, young aged 2-3 years, and ...
Wisent von www.britannica.com
The major home of the European bison, or wisent, which had become extinct in the wild following World War I but was reintroduced through captive breeding.
Wisent von simple.wikipedia.org
The wisent (or the European bison, Bison bonasus) is a bison species and the heaviest surviving animal in Europe. It is a close relative of the American ...
The wisent (or Bison bonasus), also commonly referred to as the European bison, is a large ungulate living in the forests and meadows of Poland, Russia, Belarus ...
The European bison or the European wood bison, also known as the wisent, or the zubr, is a European species of bison. It is one of two extant species of ...
Partly inherited from, and partly a 19th-century revival of, Middle High German wisent (Brehms Tierleben, 1863–1869), from Old High German wisunt, wisant, ...
European wisent / Bison bonasus at zoos worldwide on zooinstitutes.com. 3686 This animal gallery includes 53 photographs. Watch video of Bison bonasus.