

Cribbage ist ein Kartenspiel für zwei Spieler. Gespielt wird mit einem 52-Karten-Pokerblatt. Außerdem benötigt man ein Cribbage-Brett, auf dem jeder Spieler mit Hilfe zweier Stifte seine Punkte zählt. Wikipedia
Alternative Bezeichnung: Cribbage
Kartendeck: Standard 52-card pack
SPIEL: Uhrzeigersinn
Ursprung: England
Weitere Fragen
cribbage von cardgames.io
The objective in Cribbage is to be the first player to get 121 points. The gameplay is divided into three distinct parts, The Deal, The Play and The Show.
cribbage von en.wikipedia.org
Cribbage, or crib, is a card game, traditionally for two players, that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points.
cribbage von bicyclecards.com
The goal is to be the first player to score 121 points. (Some games are to 61 points.) Players earn points during play and for making various card combinations.
cribbage von play.google.com
Bewertung (115.399) · Kostenlos · Android
17.10.2023 · Cribbage Classic has a number of settings that can help you to learn the best move for your situation and offer assistance if it notices ...
Play cribbage online for free. Cribbage is a simple game involving two players, a unique scoring board, and a lot of fun and excitement.
cribbage von cardsjd.com
This free Cribbage app lets you play the classic card game Cribage Online anywhere without needing your wooden Cribbage pegging board. The playing cards are ...
cribbage von boardgamegeek.com
Bewertung (10.232)
Cribbage is a card game invented in the early 17th century, based on the earlier game Noddy. It is played with a deck of standard playing cards and a ...
cribbage von play.google.com
Bewertung (2.671) · Kostenlos · Android
Cribbage * is specially crafted for your mobile device! With big, easy to read cards, clear interface, hand picked sounds and an amazing Artificial Intelligence ...
Cribbage is a card game where players race to accumulate points by forming certain combinations of cards over a series of hands. Each hand consists of two ...
cribbage von www.wikihow.com
It's simple: just race your pegs around the board by playing cards and earning points, and cross the finish line before your opponent to win.