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Aussprache lernen gut·tur·al

(of a speech sound) produced in the throat; harsh-sounding.
Synonyme: throaty, husky, gruff, gravelly, growly, growling, croaky, croaking, harsh, harsh-sounding, rough, rasping, raspy, grating, jarring, deep, low, thick

a guttural consonant (e.g. k, g ) or other speech sound.

Weitere Fragen


Guttural ist eine Bezeichnung für Sprachlaute, deren Bildungsort man anatomisch unpräzise in der „Kehle“ lokalisierte. Während der Begriff in der Phonetik aufgrund dieser Ungenauigkeit nicht mehr verwendet wird, ist er in verschiedenen Philologien... Wikipedia
30.03.2024 · The meaning of GUTTURAL is articulated in the throat. How to use guttural in a sentence. Did you know?
Guttural (von lat. guttur „Kehle“) ist eine Bezeichnung für Sprachlaute, deren Bildungsort man anatomisch unpräzise in der „Kehle“ (daher auch die ...
Guttural sounds are typically consonants, but murmured, pharyngealized, glottalized and strident vowels may be also considered guttural in nature. ... Some ...
GUTTURAL Bedeutung, Definition GUTTURAL: 1. (of speech sounds) produced at the back of the throat and therefore deep: 2. (of speech sounds….
adjective · of or relating to the throat. · harsh; throaty. · Phonetics. pertaining to or characterized by a sound articulated in the back of the mouth, as the ...
Guttural describes a hoarse sound made in the back of the throat. Your friend's voice might get low and guttural just before he bursts into tears.
guttural in American English · 1. of the throat · 2. a. Loosely. produced in the throat; harsh, rasping, etc. said of sounds. b. characterized by such sounds. a ...
Synonyms for GUTTURAL: hoarse, husky, growling, gruff, throaty, choked, raspy, gravelly; Antonyms of GUTTURAL: sweet, gentle, liquid, mellifluous, soothing, ...
Guttural: Reime: -aːl. Bedeutungen: [1] veraltend, Linguistik: Laut (Konsonant), dessen Artikulationsort im Bereich des harten Gaumens oder des Zäpfchens ...