How to perform abdominal thrusts, also called the Heimlich maneuver, on yourself. To give yourself abdominal thrusts, also called the Heimlich maneuver, place a fist slightly above your navel. Grasp your fist with the other hand and bend over a hard surface. Shove your fist inward and upward.


Das Heimlich-Manöver, auch Heimlich-Handgriff, Heimlich-Griff oder Oberbauchkompression genannt, ist eine lebensrettende Sofortmaßnahme bei drohender Erstickung oder drohendem Bolustod durch die Verlegung der Atemwege durch einen Fremdkörper. Wikipedia
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heimlich von my.clevelandclinic.org
13.02.2024 · The Heimlich maneuver is a first-aid method for choking. It's also known as abdominal thrusts because the method involves thrusting into the ...
Beim Heimlich-Griff besteht die Gefahr der Ruptur des Zwerchfells oder der Schädigung anderer Organe der Bauchhöhle, dieses Risiko wird bei akuter Lebensgefahr ...
heimlich von en.m.wikipedia.org
Abdominal thrusts, also known as the Heimlich maneuver or Heimlich manoeuvre, is a first-aid procedure used to treat upper-airway obstructions (or choking) ...
01.04.2023 · The Heimlich maneuver is a first aid procedure used when a person is choking. If you are alone and you are choking, you can try to dislodge ...
heimlich von www.massgeneralbrigham.org
03.11.2023 · Infant Heimlich maneuver · Hold the baby face down along the length of your arm or thigh. · Keep their head lower than their bottom. · Hit them ...
08.12.2016 · The Heimlich maneuver involves performing inward and upward abdominal thrusts above the navel to dislodge a foreign object from a person's ...
Abdominal thrusts or the Heimlich maneuver is a first-aid procedure used to treat upper airway obstruction caused by a foreign body.