The German word is used only with countable singulars. For plurals and uncountable singulars, use irgendwelcher. The distinction between some and any is ...
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12.04.2024 · indefinite pronoun ... some; (fragend, verneinend, bedingend) ... any ... er hat so irgendein Schimpfwort verwendet he used some swearword or other.
Overview of all translations · irgendein Mensch · somebody (or other) · irgendein anderer. somebody else · auf irgendeine Art und Weise. some way or other, ...
"irgend-" is the German word for "some". So it seems. But it's not that simple. Today, we'll explore irgendwo, irgendwas, irgendwen and so on.
The declension of irgendein as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case) ...
Translation of "irgendein" in English · any · some · sort · another · anything · anyone · random. Show more [...] ...
What does irgendein mean in German? English Translation. any.
10.08.2020 · "irgendein" refers to only one exemplar of the entirety of something you can count, but it's unknown / not specified which one.
someone/something or other a person or thing that is not known. Someone or other broke that window. (Translation of irgendeiner/irgendeine/irgendeines from ...
[unbekannt] some das hat irgendein Philosoph gesagt some philosopher (or other) said that. 2. [beliebig] any. similar words. Previous.