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Hilfsverb, um das Futur zu bilden. [1] voraussichtlich eintreffen. Beispiele: [1] När kommer jag att dö?
22.08.2018 · Kommer att. In contrast, kommer att (+ infinitiv verb) is used when the subject talks about future events they can't control. Alfons' father ...
Constructing Sentences with Kommer att. The kommer att construction consists of two distinct parts: kommer, the auxiliary verb meaning “will” or “come,” and att ...
åldras verb · age · grow older ; att conjunction · that · lest · how ; att particle · to ; komma verb · show · get · get off · show up · pitch up · flow · come on ...
Translation of "komma att" in English · may · come to · will · likely to · going to · be · could · disclose. Show more [ ...
28.02.2018 · Ska = planerar, tänker (something you have planned) t.ex. Jag ska studera på svenska. Kommer att: uttrycker ofta en prognos
komma att verb. will [willed, willed, willing, wills] ▽ (indicating future action) verb [UK: wɪl] [US: wɪl] ; komma att phrase. going to ▽ (will (future tense))
kantra verb · turn ; att conjunction · that ; att particle · to ; komma verb · show ; komma noun · hail ...
13.02.2013 · "Ska" generally implies that something is intended or supposed to happen, whereas "kommer att" somewhat more implies that something is ...
09.11.2021 · Hallo Zusammen, ich verzweifle gerade ein wenig am Futur. Gibt es eine Regel, wann ich Jag komma att... und wann ich Jag ska... verwende?