Kubisch belongs to the first generation of sound artists. She has artistically developed multiple techniques based on electromagnetic induction, solar energy, and special light systems. Her work, which is mostly site specific, often includes the participation of the public.
Weitere Fragen
Kubisch steht für: würfelförmig, siehe Würfel (Geometrie). Kubisch ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Christina Kubisch (* 1948), deutsche ...
Christina Kubisch (* 31. Januar 1948 in Bremen) ist eine deutsche Installationskünstlerin im Bereich Klangkunst. Christina Kubisch, 1974 ...
kubisch von de.wiktionary.org
[1] Mathematik, Geometrie: geometrische Eigenschaft von Würfeln (= Kuben), bei denen alle Seiten gleich lang und alle Innenwinkel gleich groß sind: [2] ...
Christina Kubisch is a pioneering German sound artist and composer. Born in Bremen in 1948, she studied painting, composition, and electronic music in Hamburg, ...
kubisch von imprec.bandcamp.com
8,00 $
Kubisch has been working with electrical induction since the late Seventies. In 2003 she began her Electrical Walk installations. Listeners wear specially built ...
kubisch von imprec.bandcamp.com
9,00 $
Christina Kubisch's Stromsänger finds this legendary sound artist at the top of her game mixing electromagnetic wave recordings with a score for six voices, ...
I was drawn to become a primary care physician assistant because of my desire to build relationships with patients and work alongside them to help them live ...
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