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lokasenna von de.m.wikipedia.org
Lokasenna („Lokis Zankreden“) oder Oegisdrecka („Oegirs Trinkgelage“) ist eine Edda-Erzählung, die den Auslöser für die endgültige Feindschaft zwischen den ...
Lokasenna is one of the poems of the Poetic Edda. The poem presents flyting between the gods and Loki. It is written in the ljóðaháttr metre, typical for ...


Lokasenna oder Oegisdrecka ist eine Edda-Erzählung, die den Auslöser für die endgültige Feindschaft zwischen den Asen und Loki beschreibt. Die Götter und Göttinnen saßen bei einem Festmahl bei dem Meerriesen Ägir. Seine Halle ist eine... Wikipedia
The Lokasenna is found only in Regius, where it follows the Hymiskvitha; Snorri quotes four lines of it, grouped together as a single stanza.
lokasenna von www.worldhistory.org
11.02.2022 · The title means "Loki's Truth-Telling," and the poem comprises Loki's exchange of insults with twelve gods and two servants, and it might be ...
The Lokasenna is found only in Regius, where it follows the Hymiskvitha; Snorri quotes four lines of it, grouped together as a single stanza.
Lokasenna (Ls.) 'Loki's Flyting' is Old Norse literature's longest and most famous instance of a genre of antagonistic verse exemplified earlier in R by ...
The fourth poem in the Poetic Edda, broken down into 5 stanza seqments so that the Old Norse can match the English translations.
lokasenna von mythus.fandom.com
The Lokasenna is a poem in the Poetic Edda. It depicts the exchange of several insults between Loki and the Æsir. It takes place during a banquet held for ...