
Aussprache lernen name

  1. a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.
    "my name is Parsons, John Parsons"
    Synonyme: title, denomination, designation, honorific, tag, epithet, label, naam, moniker, handle, appellation, cognomen, allonym, anonym, appellative
  2. a famous person.
    "as usual, the big race will lure the top names"
    Synonyme: celebrity, star, superstar, VIP, famous person, important person, leading light, celebutante, big name, luminary, mogul, person of note, dignitary, personage, worthy, expert, authority, lion, celeb, somebody, megastar, big noise, big shot, bigwig, big cheese, big gun, big wheel, big fish

  1. give a name to.
    "hundreds of diseases had not yet been isolated or named"
    Synonyme: call, give a name to, dub, label, style, term, title, entitle, baptize, christen, clepe, denominate, called, by the name of, baptized, christened, known as, under the name of, dubbed, entitled, styled, termed, described as, labeled
  2. specify (an amount, time, or place) as something desired, suggested, or decided on.
    "he showed them the picture and named a price"

(of a person or commercial product) having a name that is widely known.
"countless specialized name brands geared to niche markets"

Weitere Fragen
Name.com is your complete source for domain names, hosting and other online presence solutions.
vor 3 Tagen · The meaning of NAME is a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing. How to use name in a sentence.
A name is a term used for identification by an external observer. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, ...
vor 6 Tagen · verb (used with object). , named, nam·ing. to give a name to: to name a baby. to accuse: He was named as the thief. to call by an epithet: They ...
NAME meaning: 1. the word or words that a person, thing, or place is known by: 2. the opinion or reputation that…. Learn more.
It is intended for use by individuals for representation of their personal name, nicknames, screen names, pseudonyms, or other types of identification labels.