

Alternative Bezeichnung: Rubella
Eine ansteckende Virusinfektion, die durch eine Impfung vermieden werden kann und am ehesten durch ihren charakteristischen roten Ausschlag bekannt ist.
  • Vorbeugung durch Impfung möglich
  • Eine Behandlung kann helfen, die Krankheit ist jedoch unheilbar
  • Ärztliche Diagnose erforderlich
  • Labortests oder bildgebende Verfahren häufig erforderlich
  • Verbreitung auf mehrere Arten
  • Von kurzer Dauer: Besserung innerhalb von Tagen bis Wochen
Die Krankheit kann durch direkten Kontakt mit dem Speichel oder Schleim einer infizierten Person oder auf dem Luftweg durch Tröpfchen übertragen werden, die beim Husten oder Niesen ausgestossen werden.
Sehr selten: Weniger als 20.000 Fälle in den USA pro Jahr
Konsultiere einen Arzt! Quellen: Mayo Clinic und Andere. Weitere Informationen
Rubella is a contagious viral infection best known by its distinctive red rash. It's also called German measles or three-day measles.
Rubella is a contagious disease caused by a virus. Most people who get rubella usually have a mild illness, with symptoms that can include a low-grade fever ...
Rubella, also known as German measles or three-day measles, is an infection caused by the rubella virus. This disease is often mild, with half of people not ...
Weitere Fragen
Rubella is usually a mild illness, with low-grade fever, sore throat, and a rash that starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.
The rubella rash in someone with light brown skin. There are faint, red blotchy It can be harder to see on brown or black skin, but might feel rough or bumpy.
25.08.2022 · Rubella is an illness caused by the virus RuV. It causes a rash, low fever and other symptoms. It's highly contagious person-to-person.
Rubella is an infection that mostly affects the skin and lymph nodes. In kids, rubella — commonly called German measles or 3-day measles — is usually a mild ...
11.02.2024 · Rubella is a contagious infection caused by a virus that includes symptoms like a rash, fever, and eye redness. You may also hear rubella ...
04.10.2019 · Rubella is a contagious viral infection that occurs most often in children and young adults. Rubella is the leading vaccine-preventable ...
Rubella, sometimes called “German measles,” is a disease caused by a virus. The infection is usually mild with fever and rash, but if a pregnant woman gets ...