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semipalmatus von de.m.wikipedia.org
Der Amerika-Sandregenpfeifer (Charadrius semipalmatus) ist eine monotypische Art aus der Familie der Regenpfeifer. Es handelt sich um einen nearktischen ...
semipalmatus von en.m.wikipedia.org
The semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) is a small plover. Charadrius is a Late Latin word for a yellowish bird mentioned in the fourth-century ...
semipalmatus von ebird.org
Small, orange-legged plover with solid dark breast band. Medium-brown upperparts are the color of wet sand, noticeably darker than Piping or Snowy Plovers.
The semipalmated plover is a small plover. The genus name Charadrius is a Late Latin word for a yellowish bird mentioned in the fourth-century Vulgate.


Der Amerika-Sandregenpfeifer ist eine monotypische Art aus der Familie der Regenpfeifer. Es handelt sich um einen nearktischen Vogel, der im Norden Nordamerikas brütet. Die IUCN stuft den Amerika-Sandregenpfeifer als nicht gefährdet ein, da sein... Wikipedia
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Charadrius semipalmatus
Gewicht: 47 g
Länge: 18 cm
Erhaltungszustand: Ungefährdet (Stabil)
semipalmatus von animaldiversity.org
Semipalmated plover chicks are precocial and can walk and feed within hours after hatching, but are brooded by their parents up to their fifth day of age. About ...
semipalmatus von www.inaturalist.org
It derives from Ancient Greek kharadrios a bird found in ravines and river valleys (kharadra, "ravine"). The specific semipalmatus is Latin and comes from semi, ...
semipalmatus von www.centralcoastbiodiversity.org
The semipalmated plover is a small shore bird with fairly distinctive colouring. It has a brown back and white underside, a brown head with a white face, and a ...
The semipalmated plover, Charadrius semipalmatus, breeds on tundra and other barren areas in northern Alaska and Canada, and migrates for winter to Central ...
semipalmatus von animaldiversity.org
Catoptrophorus semipalmatuswillet · Geographic Range · Habitat · Physical Description · Reproduction · Lifespan/Longevity · Behavior · Communication and ...
semipalmatus von nhpbs.org
The semipalmated plover is very territorial during mating season and often flies a few feet over its territory to warn other plovers away.