Markus Villig (born 1993) is an Estonian billionaire entrepreneur and founder and CEO of global mobility company Bolt Technology OÜ.
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CEO @Boltapp. Building cities for people, not cars.
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine. 2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
Markus is a very talented, energetic and intelligent young founder. He is reading and processing tons of information, metrics and best practices to grow his ...
Not many people want to take on Uber, but Markus Villig launched his own competitor, Taxify, when he was only 19-years-old. While his initial vision was to ...
21.08.2023 · At just 29 years old, Markus Villig has achieved what many can only dream of: becoming Europe's youngest billionaire. His remarkable journey ...
11.09.2024 · som er klar til å gjøre etter noens ønske; lett å be · willing. være villig til å gjøre noe to be willing to do sth.
Martin is Estonian tech entrepreneur and angel investor, co-founder of Bolt. He is passionate about education, entrepreneurship and doing good.
Markus Villig is founder and CEO of Taxify. He attended University of Tartu.