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Weitere Fragen
14.04.2024 · The meaning of VOCAL is uttered by the voice : oral. How to use vocal in a sentence.
inclined to express oneself in words, especially copiously or insistently: a vocal advocate of reform. Synonyms: outspoken, vociferous.
Use Vocal to easily share voice messages with your contacts per email. Gmail and Outlook.
vocal adjective (OFTEN HEARD). often expressing opinions and complaints in speech: He is emerging as his party's most vocal critic of the president.

Menschliche Stimme

Die menschliche Stimme ist der durch die Stimmlippen im Kehlkopf eines Menschen erzeugte und im Vokaltrakt modulierte Schall. Die Stimme ist bei verschiedenen Lautäußerungen beteiligt, wie etwa Schreien, Weinen, Lachen und vor allem bei der... Wikipedia
/ˈvʌʊkəl/ · noun. music intended to be performed by one or more singers, usually with instrumental accompaniment · noun. a short musical composition with words.
vocal in American English · 1. a. · 2. having a voice; capable of speaking or making oral sounds · 3. of, used in, connected with, or belonging to the voice · 4 ...