x86 is a widely used computer architecture for central processing units (CPUs). It has become the dominant architecture for personal computers and servers. The name "x86" is derived from the 8086, an early processor released by Intel®.
Weitere Fragen
x86 is a family of complex instruction set computer (CISC) instruction set architectures initially developed by Intel based on the 8086 microprocessor and ...


Die x86-Architektur bezeichnet eine Befehlssatzarchitektur, die von Intel 1978 mit dem 16-Bit-Mikroprozessor 8086 eingeführt wurde. Die ersten Nachfolger wurden 80186, 80286 usw. genannt, in den 1980er-Jahren war daher von der 80x86-Architektur... Wikipedia
Bits: 16-Bit-Architektur, 32-Bit-Architektur and 64-bit
Entworfen von: Intel, AMD
x86-64 is a 64-bit version of the x86 instruction set, first announced in 1999. It introduced two new modes of operation, 64-bit mode and compatibility mode ...
The world's predominant hardware platform for laptops, desktops and servers. The x86 line was developed by Intel and includes the Core, Xeon, Pentium, Atom and ...
In a x86 computer there are 4 privilege levels, though only two levels are typically used, level or ring 0 for OS/hypervisor and level 3 for user space programs ...
21.10.2022 · The x86 processor traces its heritage at least as far back as the 8-bit Intel 8080 processor. Many peculiarities in the x86 instruction set are ...
17.04.2024 · x86 is the instruction set used by the x86 family of processors as the list of commands the computer processor will accept to execute a ...
27.03.2024 · These are cores like from Apple and Cortex X4. The decoding is very cheap and nothing like x86 which needs a large piece of silicon for decoding ...
10.04.2024 · The main difference between ARM and x86, two types of computer processors, is in their instruction sets: ARM uses a more straightforward system ...
15.04.2024 · That said, on the measure, I would disagree that x86 “needs to die”. The reason I say that is because x86 (now x64) has done a remarkable job ...