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Zentral is high-visibility, API-driven Apple MDM. It comes with a pre-configured stack of Mac Admins' favourite open source tools.
Zentral is a high-visibility platform for controlling Apple endpoints in enterprises. It brings great observability to IT and makes tracking & reporting ...
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Zentral is an open-source hub for endpoint protection. Extensions are available for many agents, to deploy and configure them, and to collect, normalize ...
central, crucial, pivotal central zentral örtlich central zentral Problem etc figurativ, in übertragenem Sinn | figurative(ly) fig crucial
12.04.2024 · In other languages. zentral ... Something that is central is in the middle of a place or area. ...Central Asia. ... A pivotal role, point or figure ...
zentral von zentral.world
Zentral is a global first, interconnecting premium workspaces, a private business club, and a venture studio – at Dubai's most iconic business address, ...
Discover the plan that fits best to your needs. Compare Zentral's features and support offering.
Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'zentral' ✔️ Auf Duden online nachschlagen ✔️ Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.
Bedeutungsübersicht · 1. im Zentrum liegend. a) ... b) im Mittelpunkt stehend · 2. von einer leitenden Stelle, Zentrale ausgehend und für den zugehörigen ...
central adj. · vital adj. · pivotal adj. · centrally adv. · centric or: centrical adj. · essential - topic adj.