The conjunctional adverb zwar has no single equivalent in English. In one context it seems to mean one thing, in another it seems to mean something else entirely.
26. Mai 2016
27.05.2022 · it is a mumbled, contracted version of zu wahre which means something like to the truth; it is the short version of this sentence German ...
Übersicht aller Übersetzungen · zwar …, aber … it is true …, but … · er hat zwar viel Geld, ist aber doch nicht glücklich. he does have (oder | or od it's true ...
er war zwar Zeuge des Unfalls, kann sich aber nicht mehr so genau erinnern he did witness the accident or it's true he witnessed the accident but he can't ...
Adjektive / Adverbien. indeed Adv. zwar · namely Adv. - to be specific ...
05.06.2013 · Zwar is used as an adverb or conjunction, respectively. This word goes (almost) always along with und or aber. The collocation zwar..
[1] freilich, immerhin, sicher, zugegeben: [2] nämlich. Gegenwörter: [1] aber, allerdings. Beispiele ...
From Middle High German zwāre, contraction of ze wāre (“verily, indeed”), from Old High German zi wāre (8th c.). Equivalent to zu + wahr. The concessive use ...