Moby Wrap Baby Carrier - Chocolate
$24.99 ยท eBay - fostercaresupportfoundation
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Arrives Jun 21
Carry Position
: Front
: Wrap
: Chocolate
The design of the Moby Wrap Baby Carrier uses your entire back, as well as your shoulders, to carry the weight of your baby. Unlike other carriers, which have narrow straps or go across one shoulder, the Moby Wrap is a wide piece of fabric that is wrapped over both shoulders. It is amazingly comfortable and easy to wear. There are no buckles, snaps or other fasteners. It is easy to adjust the fit of your Moby Wrap by varying how tightly you wrap yourself and your baby. There is not a lot of extra material or bulky padding between you and your baby. Your baby can hear your heartbeat and finds comfort in the warmth of your body, and sound of your heartbeat within the cuddly confines of the Moby Wrap. Moby Wrap, Inc., headquartered in Chico, CA, was founded by two mothers on a quest for the perfect way to carry Baby. After extensive research on child carriers from around the world, they developed a sling-like fabric cotton wrap designed to distribute the weight of Baby evenly from a parent's shoulders to hips.Moby Wraps align Baby's centre of gravity uniquely close to a parent's body to provide extra comfort and security. These wrap-style fabric child carriers don't have buckles, snaps or other fasteners. It is easy to adjust the fit of a Moby Wrap by varying the tightness of the wrap itself.Moby Wraps are optimal baby carriers for premature infants but are long enough to adapt to growing babies up to 20.41kg. Also, Moby Wraps are high versatile, Baby can be wrapped facing in, out to the world, sideways or on a parent's back. When not being used as a carrier, the Moby can be used as blanket, pillow or anything else a parent can imagine.
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