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Modern art & modernism : the Open University, Arts, a third level course : modern art and modernism, Manet to Pollock. Available at University Collections ...
Volume 10 of Arts, a third level course: Modern art and modernism : Manet to Pollock · Arts. A third level course. Romantic poetry · Volume 1 of Léger, Briony ...
Get details about the chapterization of Modern art & modernism: the Open University, Arts, a third level course: modern art and modernism, Manet to Pollock.
Arts, a third level course: Modern art and modernism : Manet to Pollock · Modern art and modernism. Authors, Belinda Thomson, Open University. A315: Modern Art ...
The Open University. Arts: A Third Level Course, Modern Art and Modernism: Manet to Pollock, 28 printed units, published in 14 blocks, prepared by the ...
Modern art & modernism : the Open University, Arts, a third level course : modern art and modernism, Manet to Pollock. 1983- · Modern art, 1919 series : a ...
(et al.) Series statement. Arts, a third level course. Modern art and modernism : Manet to Pollock, Block 2, units 5-6A315, 2. Incoming Resources. Has instance.
Arts: A Third Level Course, Modern Art and Modernism: Manet to Pollock, 28 p... more The Open University. Arts: A Third Level Course, Modern Art and ...
Modern art & modernism : the Open University, Arts, a third level course, modern art and modernism, Manet to Pollock : colour book 1, colour plates, A.1-A.4 ...
Arts: A Third Level Course, Modern Art and Modernism: Manet to Pollock, 28 printed units, published in 14 blocks, prepared by the Course Team, The Open ...