Distance education in a modern society. Erling LjosaView further author information. Pages 23-30 | Published online: 07 Jul 2006. Cite this article; https://doi ...
Distance education in a modern society. This paper is based on a lecture given by Erling Ljoså, Managing Director of the NKS Ernst G. Mortensen Foundation ...
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Open Learning, volume 7, issue 2, pages 23-30. Distance education in a modern society. Erling Ljoså. Show full list: 1 author.
19.05.2024 · Ljoså, E. (1992). Distance education in a modern society. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 7(2) ...
... Distance education in a modern society. Open Learning, vol 7 Matthewson, C (1992): Whose development, whose needs? Distance education practice and politics ...
Distance education in a modern society. Open Learning 7(2),. 23-30. Ljoså, E., & Sandvold, K. E. (1983). The students' freedom of choice within the.
Distance education in a modern society. Open Learning, 7. Lockwood, F. (1995). (Ed.). Open and distance learning today (pp. 14-30). London: Routeledge ...
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Ljosa, E (1992): Distance education in a modern society. Open Learning, vol 7. 34. McIlroy, A. and Walker, R., 1993, 'Total quality management: Some ...
Distance Education in a Modern Society. Open Learning, Vol. 7. Moore, M. and Kearsley. G. (1996). Distance Education: A Systems View, Belmont: Wadsworth ...