Improving teaching at a distance within the University of the South Pacific☆. Author links open overlay panel F.G. Lockwood , A.I. Williams , D.W. Roberts.
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London: Routledge. Jorgensen, E. S. (1986). Doing right by design. Keynote Address, Distance. II Conference: Improving teaching at a distance, Madison, WI: ...
Improving teaching at a distance: Print materials from a four part television series on distance education and a guide to resources. Oklahoma State ...
28.01.2011 · IMPROVING TEACHING AT A DISTANCE: A GUIDE TO RESOURCES by C.L. Dillon, D. Blanchard & M. Price (1990, spiral bound 8 1/2 x 11, 76 pgs ...
“Learners and Learning at a Distance.” Keynote address to: Improving Teaching at a Distance Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Aug. 7 ...
Improving teaching at a distance within the University of the South Pacific. International Journal of Educational Development, 8, 265-270. Marton, F. (1981) ...
... improving teaching at a distance. Currently, a wide range of Web-based tools is available to distance educators (Huang, 2000). In the Web, information and ...
13.01.2023 · Learners and Learning at a Distance. Keynote Address to Summer Conference: Improving Teaching at a Distance. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
28.01.2011 · In Distance II. Conference: Improving Teaching at a Distance. Report of the. Annual Conference on Teaching at a Distance, 5-17. Madison, WI ...
Developed and moderated a series of four two hour live interactive satellite teleconferences entitled "Improving Teaching at a Distance", produced by Education ...