24.06.2010 · Learning Strategies and Academic Performance: A Study of the Successful Distance Learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU · P. Biswas · Published 24 ...
... Learning Strategies and Academic Performance: A Study of the Successful Distance Learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU. Prabir Biswas, STRIDE, indira gandhi ...
... Learning strategies and academic performance: a study of the successful distance learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU Biswas, Prabir Kumar (2001) Indian ...
... Learning strategies and academic performance: A study of the successful distance learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU. Indian Journal of Open Learning, 10(2) ...
... Learning Strategies and Academic Performance: A Study of the Successful Distance Learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU · P. Biswas. Education. 2010. Abstract: ...
Biswas, P.K., (2001) Learning strategies and Academic performance : A study of the successful distance learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU, Indian Journal ...
Biswas, Prabir Kumar, Learning Strategies and Academic Performance: A Study of the Successful Distance Learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU, 2001 ; Olgren, ...
... Learning Strategies and Academic Performance: A Study of the Successful Distance Learners of PGDDE Programme of IGNOU. Indian Journal of Open Learning, Vol ...
22.08.2019 · Biswas, P.K. (2001). Learning strategies and academic performance: A study of the successful distance learners of PGDDE programme of IGNOU.
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