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Kim, Jae-Woong (1999): Present problems and future challenges of the Korea National Open University. Hagen: Zentrales Institut für Fernstudienforschung. (= ZIFF ...
Present problems and future challenges of the Korea National Open University. ERIC Document No: 431 910. ...
Present problems and future challenges of the Korea National Open University. ERIC. Document No: 431 910. [11]. Kolloff, M. (2011). Strategies for effective ...
Present Problems and Future Challenges of the Korea National Open University. ZIFF Papiere 113. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center. Kim, Jae-Woong.
Kim, J. (1999). Present problems and future challenges of the Korea National Open University. ERIC Document No: 431 910. Lee, I., Chun, S., ...
Present Problems and Future Challenges of the Korea National Open University. June 1999. Jae-Woong Kim · Read more. Technical Report. Deliverable Report 8.1.1.
... Present problems and future challenges of the Korea National Open University SE ZIFF-Papiere PY 1999 VL 113 PU Zentrales Institut für Fernstudienforschung ...
Present Problems and Future Challenges of the Korea National Open University. ZIFF Papiere 113. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center. Kim, Jae-Woong.
Present problems and future challenges of the Korea National Open University. Sobhy, A., 2011. Activating the role of general secondary education in meeting ...
Present problems and future challenges of the Korea National Open University. ERIC Document No: 431 910. ...