The System of Distance Education - Vol 2: Proceedings Papers to the ICCE International Conference (10th, Brighton, Great Britain, May 12-16, 1975). Granholm ...
The System of Distance Education. Papers to the ICCE International ... › catalog
The System of Distance Education - Vol 2 [microform] : Proceedings Papers to the ICCE International Conference (10th, Brighton, Great Britain, May 12-16 ...
The system of distance education: Vol. 2. Papers to the 10th ICCE International Conference. (1975). Brighton, England: International Council on ...
An analysis of the androgogical approach to the didactics of distance education. In G. Granholm (Ed.), The system of distance education: Vol. 2 (pp. 27-30).
Originality/value – This article is the only report of INTED2015. Read more. Article. The System of Distance Education - Vol 2: Proceedings Papers to the ICCE ...
The System of Distance Education - Vol 2: Proceedings Papers to the ICCE International Conference (10th. Brighton,. Great. Britain, May 12 -15, 1975) ...
An analysis of the androgogical approach to the didactics of distance education. In G. Granholm (Ed.), The system of distance education: Vol. 2 (pp. 27-30)..
The system of distance education: Vol. 2. Papers to the 10th ICCE International Conference. (1975). Brighton, England: International Council on ...
The system of distance education: Vol. 2. Papers to the 10th ICCE International Conference. (1975). Brighton, England: International Council on ...
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