AFRICAN JAY (IMO: 9737046) is a Bulk Carrier and is sailing under the flag of Bahamas. Her length overall (LOA) is 183 meters and her width is 30.6 meters.
The vessel AFRICAN JAY (IMO 9737046, MMSI 311000383) is a General Cargo Ship built in 2015 (9 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Bahamas.
Details for the ship African Jay , IMO 9737046, Cargo Ship, Position NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN with current real time AIS position and ship photos by ...
AFRICAN JAY is a Bulk carrier built in 2015. Currently sailing under the flag of Bahamas. It's gross tonnage is 23750 tons.
Where is the current position of AFRICAN JAY presently? Vessel AFRICAN JAY is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Bahamas. Her IMO number is 9737046 and ...
Details and realtime position for the vessel AFRICAN JAY with MMSI 311000383, IMO 9737046 that is registered in [BS] Bahamas.
AFRICAN JAY last position is 46 N, 126 W heading to Cairns with speed of 11.1 knots. TRACK ON MAP...
Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship AFRICAN JAY (IMO 9737046, Callsign C6BW4, MMSI 311000383)
AFRICAN JAY built in 2015 is a vessel in the Dry bulk / Handysize / General cargo segment. Its IMO number is 9737046 and the current MMSI number is 311000383.
Track AFRICAN JAY (IMO 9737046, MMSI 311000383), a BS (Bahamas)-flagged General Cargo Ship. Stay updated on its position, speed, and voyage details.