GOLDEN ODYSSEY (IMO: 9648788) is a Yacht and is sailing under the flag of Bermuda. Her length overall (LOA) is 124 meters and her width is 20 meters.
The vessel GOLDEN ODYSSEY (IMO 9648788, MMSI 310724000) is a Yacht built in 2015 (9 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Bermuda.
GOLDEN ODYSSEY, Passenger ship, General information, IMO: 9648788, MMSI: 310724000, Callsign: ZCEQ8, Width: 20.0 m, Length: 124.0 m, Deadweight
Where is the current position of GOLDEN ODYSSEY presently? Vessel GOLDEN ODYSSEY is a pleasure craft ship sailing under the flag of Bermuda.
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Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship GOLDEN ODYSSEY (IMO 9648788, MMSI 310724000)
GOLDEN ODYSSEY last position is 38 N, 21 E with speed of 0.1 knots. TRACK ON MAP...
Ship location for Golden Odyssey (IMO: 9648788, MMSI: 310724000), is Yacht Find ship on map. vessel AIS and tracker.
Track GOLDEN ODYSSEY (IMO 9648788, MMSI 310724000), a BM (Bermuda)-flagged Yacht. Stay updated on its position, speed, and voyage details.
What kind of ship is this? GOLDEN ODYSSEY (IMO: 9648788) is a Yacht and is sailing under the flag of Bermuda. Her length overall (LOA) is 124 meters and her ...
The current position of GOLDEN ODYSSEY is at coordinates 42.4303 N / 18.6886 E, reported in 4 hours by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Tivat and ...