The vessel NEWBURY (IMO 9920497, MMSI 311001106) is a Crude Oil Tanker built in 2022 (2 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Bahamas.
NEWBURY (IMO: 9920497) is a Crude Oil Tanker and is sailing under the flag of Bahamas. Her length overall (LOA) is 237 meters and her width is 44.03 meters.
Vessel particulars: Current name: NEWBURY, Current flag: Bahamas, Home port: Nassau, Callsign: C6FG8, IMO: 9920497, MMSI: 311001106, Build year: 2022.
Details for the ship Newbury , IMO 9920497, Tankship, Position Mediterranean Sea with current real time AIS position and ship photos by
NEWBURY last position is 36 N, 0 W heading to Arzew with speed of 5.7 knots. TRACK ON MAP...
Details and realtime position for the vessel NEWBURY with MMSI 311001106, IMO 9920497 that is registered in [BS] Bahamas.
Where is the current position of NEWBURY presently? Vessel NEWBURY is a tanker ship sailing under the flag of Bahamas. Her IMO number is 9920497 and MMSI ...
Ship location for NEWBURY (IMO: 9920497, MMSI: 311001106), is Crude Oil Tanker built in 2022 Find ship on map. vessel AIS and tracker.
NEWBURY built in 2022 is a vessel in the Tanker / Aframax (LR 2) segment. Its IMO number is 9920497 and the current MMSI number is 311001106.
The ship NEWBURY (IMO: 9920497 ) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker under the flag of Bahamas Built in 2022 and building yard is Yokosuka Shipyard - SUMITOMO ...