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NORMA (IMO: 9490739) is a Bulk Carrier and is sailing under the flag of Liberia. Her length overall (LOA) is 189.99 meters and her width is 32.26 meters.
NORMA (IMO 9490739, MMSI 636021631) ist Bulk Carrier. Es fährt unter der Flagge von Liberia. Es wurde gebaut in 2010.
NORMA is a Bulk carrier built in 2010 by DAYANG SHIPBUILDING - YANGZHOU, CHINA. Currently sailing under the flag of Liberia. Formerly also known as MAGDA, ...
Details for the ship Norma , IMO 9490739, Cargo Ship, Position Gibraltar with current real time AIS position and ship photos by vesseltracker.com.
Ship location for NORMA (IMO: 9490739, MMSI: 636021631), is Bulk Carrier built in 2010 Find ship on map. vessel AIS and tracker.
Norma Bulk Carrier, IMO 9490739 - Marine Vessel Traffic
www.marinevesseltraffic.com › vessels › NORMA
Where is the current position of Norma presently? Vessel Norma is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Liberia. Her IMO number is 9490739 and MMSI number ...
The vessel NORMA (IMO: 9490739, MMSI: 636021631) is a Bulk Carrier that was built in 2010 ( 14 years old ). It's sailing under the flag of [LR] Liberia. In ...
NORMA Aktuelle Position (Bulk Carrier, IMO 9490739) - VesselFinder
www.vesselfinder.com › imo=9490739
NORMA - Schiffsdaten, Foto und letzte 5 Zielhäfen (IMO 9490739) - Bulk Carrier.
Vessel Norma, IMO 9490739 is a Bulker Carrier built in 2010 and currently sailing under the flag of the Liberia.
Track NORMA (IMO 9490739, MMSI 636021631), a LR (Liberia)-flagged Bulk Carrier. Stay updated on its position, speed, and voyage details.