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SANDAL (IMO: 9083201) is a General Cargo and is sailing under the flag of St Kitts Nevis. Her length overall (LOA) is 81.2 meters and her width is 11.46 meters.
SANDAL (IMO 9083201, MMSI 341021000) ist General Cargo Ship. Es fährt unter der Flagge von St Kitts & Nevis. Es wurde gebaut in 1993.
SANDAL is a General cargo vessel by ONEGA SHIPYARD - PETROZAVODSK, RUSSIA. Currently sailing under the flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
SANDAL, IMO 9083201 ; Flag, St.Kitts and Nevis ; Call sign, V4XN3 ; MMSI, 341021000 ; Vessel type, General Cargo Ship ; Year of build, 1993.
Details for the ship Sandal , IMO 9083201, Cargo Ship, Position Mediterranean Sea with current real time AIS position and ship photos by
Vessel SANDAL (IMO: 9083201 & MMSI: 341021000) is a RIVER CARGO SHIP and was built in 1993. Version 1 was registered in CYPRUS and is owned by WHITE SEA ...
SANDAL - Schiffsdaten, Foto und letzte 5 Zielhäfen (IMO 9083201) - General Cargo Ship. ... 9083201. Eigengewicht: 2300. Größe: 81 / 11m. MMSI: 341021000. Kontakt ...
Das Schiff SANDAL (IMO: 9083201, MMSI: 341021000) ist General Cargo das wurde im Jahr 1993 ( 31 Jahre alt ) gebaut. Es segelt unter der Flagge [KN] St Kitts ...
The current position of SANDAL is at coordinates 21.2078 N / 17.3365 W, reported in 17 hours by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Dakar, sailing at a ...
Where is the current position of SANDAL presently? Vessel SANDAL is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Her IMO number is 9083201 ...