SKANDI BARRA (IMO 9330680, MMSI 257679000) ist Offshore Tug/Supply Ship. Es fährt unter der Flagge von Norway. Es wurde gebaut in 2005.
SKANDI BARRA (IMO: 9330680) is a Supply Vessel and is sailing under the flag of Norway. Her length overall (LOA) is 86.65 meters and her width is 19.73 meters.
SKANDI BARRA is a Offshore supply vessel built in 2005 by VARD SOVIKNES - SOVIK, NORWAY. Currently sailing under the flag of Norway.
Details for the ship Skandi Barra , IMO 9330680, Other Ship, Position North Sea with current real time AIS position and ship photos by
SKANDI BARRA (IMO: 9330680) is a Supply Vessel and is sailing under the flag of Norway. Her length overall (LOA) is 86.65 meters and her width is 19.73 meters.
Where is the current position of SKANDI BARRA presently? Vessel SKANDI BARRA is a special craft ship sailing under the flag of Norway.
Das Schiff SKANDI BARRA (IMO: 9330680, MMSI: 257679000) ist Multi Purpose Offshore Vessel das wurde im Jahr 2005 ( 19 Jahre alt ) gebaut. Es segelt unter ...
SKANDI BARRA - Schiffsdaten, Foto und letzte 5 Zielhäfen (IMO 9330680) - Offshore Tug/Supply Ship.
Information, photos and AIS vessel tracker for the Ship skandi barra (IMO 9330680, Callsign LALG7, MMSI 257679000)
SKANDI BARRA, IMO 9330680 ; MMSI, 257679000 ; Vessel type, Offshore Supply Ship ; Year of build, 2005 ; Operating status, In Service/Commission (since 15/07/2005).