Peter Hans Kolvenbach SJ (30 November 1928 – 26 November 2016) was a Dutch Jesuit priest and professor who was the 29th superior general of the Society of ...
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The position sometimes carries the nickname of the Black Pope, because of his responsibility for the largest male religious order, in contrast with the white ...
26.11.2016 · Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach, who led the worldwide Jesuit order for a quarter century from 1983 to 2008, and who broke with tradition by voluntarily resigning.
The Head of the Jesuits, known as the Black Pope, father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach opens the ...
26.11.2016 · Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ, the 29th Superior General of the Society of Jesus, who guided the order through one of the most tumultuous periods in its history, ...
29.11.2016 · Many knew Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as the leader of the Jesuits throughout the world. As for me, I only knew him as a simple Jesuit!
26.04.2024 · Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach's tenure as the "Black Pope" was marked by a deep commitment to the Jesuit tradition of social justice infused with ...
03.05.2016 · Black Pope "Black Pope" is a derogatory nickname given to the Superior General usually by the media (and never used by the Jesuits themselves).
The document discusses Count Hans Kolvenbach, who is identified as the current Superior General of the Jesuits, also known as the "Black Pope".
09.10.2016 · Indicating his strong influence in the Vatican, the Superior General is often mentioned as 'Black Pope ... Fr Peter Hans Kolvenbach was the first ...