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12.09.2024 · The Common Encryption Scheme (CENC) is a form of DRM that is used by video-streaming giants to ensure movies and TV shows streamed to people's devices cannot be ...
25.09.2024 · This article is about the group that represents Hollywood studios and assigns ratings for movies. For their guidelines and a list of their ratings, see Motion ...
14.09.2024 · This article examines the first American statutes that address the legal organizational structure of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
19.09.2024 · ... DeCSS, a computer program that breaks the encryption controlling unauthorized access to or copying of DVDs. The antitrafficking provision does not preclude ...
vor 17 Stunden · The interface between biomaterials and tissues is fundamental to the success of implantable devices, such as orthopedic implants, and those biomaterials ...
26.09.2024 · How about DeCSS? There is no way the government could restrict 3D printing ... Non serialized firearms are legal to make and keep, but not to distribute.
vor 6 Tagen · The present study on autonomous driving mainly focused on technology of environmental perception, decision making and motion control.
vor 2 Tagen · Bug:14760 - "mplayer will not decss when reading dvd" status:RESOLVED resolution:WORKSFORME severity:normal ... 42 - Problem comparing DATEs with DATETIMEs" ...
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