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ANIPROP GbR Johanna Send und Dr. Wolfgang Send · Entwicklung und Bau von Versuchseinrichtungen zur Strömungsmechanik und Physik des Fliegens, · Energiegewinnung ...
07.06.2022 · Wolfgang Send (1944-). "Jahrgang 1944, Physiker. Promotion in theoretischer Gasdynamik Hamburg 1976. Bis Oktober 2009 Strömungsmechaniker ...
31.10.2009 · Homepage of Wolfgang Send. Retired October 31st, 2009. German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research ...
Wolfgang Send. Winged artifacts aim at the imitation of nature's ingenious method to produce thrust with slim and smart-shaped flapping ...
Wolfgang Send · Other Affiliations: add · Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations, Matlab, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Applied Mathematics, and ...
Wolfgang Send. Naturwissenschaften Biologie - Chemie - Physik. Vom Fliegen. Neubearbeitung. Schülerbuch. Westliche Bundesländer: Für den integrativen ...
Aerodynamik: Physik des Fliegens: Ein reizvolles Thema, jungen Leuten die Gesetze der Mechanik lebendig zu vermitteln. Wolfgang Send, ... Physik, Vorträge DPG ...
Johanna Send and Dr. Wolfgang Send are the owners of ANIPROP GbR. Our interests go to very different topics, which both however deal very much with physics.
Books by Dr Wolfgang Send. Naturwissenschaften Biologie - Chemie - Physik. Vom Fliegen. Neubearbeitung. Schulerbuch. Westliche Bundeslander Fur den ...
Johanna Send and Dr. Wolfgang Send are the owners of ANIPROP GbR. Our interests go to very different topics, which both however deal very much with physics.