Sartorite ; Crystal System: Monoclinic ; Member of: Sartorite Group ; Name: Named after Wolfgang Sartorius von Waltershausen (17 December 1809, Göttingen, Germany ...
Sartorite is a lead arsenic sulfide with the chemical formula PbAs2S4 and as type locality the Lengenbach Quarry in Legenbach, Binnental, Valais, Switzerland.


Sartorite is a lead arsenic sulfide with the chemical formula PbAs₂S₄ and as type locality the Lengenbach Quarry in Legenbach, Binnental, Valais, Switzerland. Historically, sartorite has been thought isomorphic to chalcostibite, emplectite, and... Wikipedia
Another step toward understanding the true nature of sartorite:, Determination and refinement of a ninefold superstructure.
The meaning of SARTORITE is a mineral PbAs2S4 consisting of a dark gray crystalline compound of lead, arsenic, and sulfur.
Sartorite occurs as a hydothermal mineral in dolostone at its type locality in Binntal, Switzerland. It also is found in Italy, the United States, and Peru as ...
A group of chemically and structurally very complex sulphosalts which are impossible to identify visually. Also known as 'Sartorite homologous series'.
Mined in 2003 in Jiangxi, China, this stibnite is one of the largest surviving specimens from what has become one of the world's most significant stibnite finds ...
Name: Sartorite RRUFF ID: R130104 Ideal Chemistry: PbAs2S4. Locality: Lengenbach Quarry, Im Feld, Binn Valley, Wallis, Switzerland
Apr 2, 2019 ˇ Sartorite Named after Wolfgang Sartorius von Waltershausen (1809 - 1876) Professor of Mineralogy, University of Göttingen, Germany.