- make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size."the need for businesses to reduce costs"synonyms: lessen, make less, make smaller, lower, bring down, decrease, turn down, diminish, take the edge off, minimize, shrink, narrow, contract, shorten, foreshorten, truncate, taper, close, abbreviate, condense, concentrate, abridge, deplete, axe, cut, cut back/down, make cutbacks in, scale down, trim, slim (down), prune, chop, curtail, limit, moderate, lighten, ease, dilute, mitigate, commute, qualify, alleviate, relax, abate, amortize, make cheaper, lower the price of, lower/cut in price, cheapen, mark down, discount, put on sale, offer at a giveaway price, slash, knock down
- bring someone or something to (a lower or weaker state, condition, or role)."she has been reduced to near poverty"synonyms: bring to, bring to the point of, force into, drive into
- change a substance to (a different or more basic form)."it is difficult to understand how lava could have been reduced to dust"
- cause to combine chemically with hydrogen."hydrogen for reducing the carbon dioxide"
- restore (a dislocated part) to its proper position by manipulation or surgery."Joe's reducing a dislocated thumb"
- besiege and capture (a town or fortress).
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Sep 8, 2024 · decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, abate, dwindle mean to grow or make less. decrease suggests a progressive decline in size, amount, numbers ...
adjective made smaller, lower, or less; diminished: Individuals who experience depression have reduced levels of serotonin in their brains.
Synonyms for REDUCED: lowered, discounted, discount, moderate, wholesale, reasonable, fire-sale, inexpensive; Antonyms of REDUCED: high, valuable, ...
reduce · curtail · cut · cut down · diminish · dwindle · knock off · lessen · lower · pare · scale down · shorten · slash · trim · weaken. Strong matches.
On express bus trips, the reduced fare is $3.50 (half the $7 base fare). You will pay the reduced fare anytime except during weekday peak periods, 6 to 10 a.m. ...
Oxidation is the loss of electrons or an increase in the oxidation state, while reduction is the gain of electrons or a decrease in the oxidation state. The ...
If you're between the ages of 18 – 64 and are enrolled in an approved state assistance program, you may qualify for income-eligible reduced fares.
6 days ago · less than before or less than usual: reduced costs/hours/rates The industry's workers have been subjected to reduced hours and the potential for layoffs.
verb (used without object) · to become reduced. · to become lessened, especially in weight. · to be turned into or made to equal something: All our difficulties ...
To reduce something is to make it smaller or lessen it in some way. Therefore, anything reduced is smaller than it was before. If you're pedaling your way ...