A suspended chord (or sus chord) is a musical chord in which the (major or minor) third is omitted and replaced with a perfect fourth or a major second.
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The two basic sus chords are the sus4 and sus2 chords. In the sus4 chord (also labeled simply as “sus”), a perfect 4th replaces the 3rd of the chord. In the ...
Sus chords, or suspended chords, are variations to traditional major and minor chords where the 3rd is replaced by a 2nd or 4th.
Sus chords are major or minor chords where the 3rd of the chord is replaced by the 4th. Jazz players think of this as a ii chord over the root of the V, such ...
A sus chord is a major chord where certain notes are left out and replaced with others. By making this slight adjustment, the chord becomes something new. Let's ...
Sus chords can be ornaments when used sparingly within a song. They can replace the root chord or become part of a melodic riff. There are many ways to get ...
'sus' stands for suspended. Sus chords are most often used to suspend the character of a chord by briefly removing the 3rd.
The sus chords are used by not substituting the major chord with it, but instead using it together with a major chord. When playing these kinds of chord ...
Jun 9, 2023 · What are sus piano chords? “Sus” stands for “suspended” and a sus chord is when you substitute the third in a chord with the second or fourth.
Suspended Chords (Sus Chords) are chords where the 3rd has been replaced by a 2nd or 4th. In Jazz, Sus chords act as substitutes for ii or V7 chords.