Sep 21, 2014 · As soon as you create your own HTML file and place it in that folder, the "It works!" message should be replaced with your new index.html file.
Missing: q= https% 3A% 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere-
Sep 21, 2014 · I've started up Apache on my Mac and get the "It works!" message, but I have no idea where that file is. I've checked the httpd.conf file and ...
Missing: q= https% 3A% 2Fapple. 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere-
Sep 20, 2017 · Here is my definitive guide to getting a local web server running on OS X 10.9 “Mavericks”. This is meant to be a development platform so that you can build ...
Missing: q= 3A% stackexchange. 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere-
Apr 17, 2014 · I am using the default Apache that is preinstalled on a fresh install of OS X 10.9.2 ... How can I get OSX Mavericks to notice a DNS change in `/ ...
Missing: q= 3A% 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere- html-
Nov 17, 2013 · I'd like to start my apache server in my Mac OSX Mavericks. Here is what I did: launch the terminal application; sudo apachectl start; The ...
Missing: q= 3A% 2Fapple. 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere-
Dec 9, 2013 · I want to set up a local network web server on my iMac to test web page development from various devices on my home network.
Missing: q= 3A% stackexchange. 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere-
Nov 17, 2013 · I'd like to start my apache server on my Mac running OS X (10.9) Mavericks. Here is what I did: Goto terminal; sudo apachectl start; The server ...
Missing: q= 3A% 2Fapple. 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere- html-
Feb 8, 2014 · Apache httpd is by default installed on Mac OS X 10.9.x Mavericks. It can be started by the following command: sudo apachectl start
Missing: q= 3A% 2Fapple. 2Fquestions% 2F146235% 2Fwhere- index- html-