I am looking for the Last login time of all users in my hp UNIX system. I was initially trying to use last command, but last do not give any YEAR even if it is ...
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Oct 22, 2001 · Solved: For some reason, the finger command is not functioning. It returns the three question marks for any search string I use, ...
Missing: q= https% 3A% 2Fcommunity. 2Ft5% 2Flast- 2Ftd- 2F3627259
I'm trying to integrate our K570 running HP-UX 11.00 into our network via DNS. The box currently uses the /etc/hosts file for name resolution and works fine ...
Missing: https% 3A% 2Fcommunity. 2Ft5% 2Flast- 2Ftd- 2F3627259
Aug 6, 2002 · Solved: Pls could you certify me that when finger command output show me "Never logged in." this really means it or the command is supported ...
Missing: q= https% 3A% 2Fcommunity. 2Ft5% 2Flast- 2Ftd- 2F3627259
What a open question! You will get a different set of commands from every person you ask - at the end you will get hundreds. Scripts are interesting too.
Missing: 3A% 2Fcommunity. 2Ft5% 2Flast- finger- 2Ftd- 2F3627259
Hi I have few hundred users on hp-ux11.00 server I have few secondary ypservers. Finger command works for few user and it does not work for few.
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this.
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HP-UX was the first Unix to offer access-control lists for file access permissions as an alternative to the standard Unix permissions system. HP-UX was also ...
Missing: q= 2Fcommunity. 2Ft5% 2Flast- finger- 2Ftd- 2F3627259