There are more types of criminal charges that can cause a Level I card to be denied or suspended, so the Level I card is more restrictive and harder to get.
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What is the difference between a Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card and a Regular Fingerprint Clearance Card? There are some offenses listed in ARS § 41 ...
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What is the difference between a Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card and a Regular Fingerprint Clearance Card? There are some offenses listed in ARS § 41 ...
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There are more types of criminal charges that can cause a Level I card to be denied or suspended, so the Level I card is more restrictive and harder to get.
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Standard cards correspond, for the most part, with the fingerprint clearance card that existed prior to the legislative changes. Level I cards are required for ...
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A person who is under eighteen years of age or who is at least ninety-nine years of age is exempt from the level I fingerprint clearance card requirements of ...
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The Arizona Board of Fingerprinting is a state agency that does two things: Good-cause exceptions: The Board considers applications from individuals whose ...
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