Jan 2, 2021 · What is the most clever way to serve a node.js app, alongside an existing website hosted on freebsd? I want to serve the node app via https, on say port 3000.
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Feb 17, 2021 · Hey everyone! I want to apply some stricter policies to my apache 2.4.x configuration to allow heavier hits.
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Oct 16, 2022 · I've installed apache24 and mod_php82. But apache won't start up at all. I show you general idea of my FreeBSD machine as follows.
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Mar 20, 2022 · According to my Firefox Browser Console, we were attacked by multiple Javascript errors while loading this hazardous FreeBSD forums thread!
Missing: q= https% 3A% 2Fforums. 2Fthreads% 2Fnode- apache24. 78282%
Jan 9, 2023 · When I use my phone (no wifi connection) and use the domain name it stalls and says connection refused. However, when I use the IP I get the ...
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Nov 9, 2015 · The binary you require depends on the version of FreeBSD you're running, and whether you're running in 32-bit or 64-bit.
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Nov 3, 2022 · The crash that is happening when both php and php7 are loaded is due to this. It seems these modules are stepping into each other.
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Nov 12, 2021 · I had Apache running just fine with PHP 7.4.25 When I upgraded to PHP 8, I could not get the LoadModule for php8 to load (or find it). FreeBSD ...
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