Mar 5, 2010 · Apache needs to be configured to recognize index.php as an index file. The simplest way to accomplish this.. Create a .htaccess file in your ...
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May 24, 2017 · The preferred solution is to edit the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf file to move the index.php before the index.html in the DirectoryIndex entry.
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Mar 17, 2016 · I made a project in /srv/www/htdocs/jsphp/ that contains the index.php. I created a virtual host named jsphp.local and it seems to be working fine.
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Nov 20, 2023 · We have a client website, artvietnamgallery.com, where the index.php page is not loading. We get this error message: This is the placeholder for domain ...
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Jan 29, 2023 · The site is loading, just have to add the index.php. It's something that is wrong with the htaccess file or something not configured correctly in the database.
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Apr 6, 2018 · Had problems getting Codekit 3.5.2 to use the Apache server and PHP on OSX High Sierra 10.13.4. It appeared that updates to OSX overwrite ...
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Apr 20, 2014 · I have PHP installed but Apache doesn't seem to want to execute it. People suggested adding a 'Load Module' line to my httpd.conf but I don't ...
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Oct 25, 2013 · When I try to Start Apache from the XAMPP Control panel, the panel gives me a series of messages to the effect that Apache could not load, ...
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