May 20, 2019 · I have uploaded the front end to an S3 bucket on AWS. I use Lambda for the backend. I added some js files to my index.html that are not found when uploaded to ...
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May 20, 2019 · I get 404 errors claiming they cannot find the js files I reference in the Index.html. The files are found for the S3 endpoint, why are they not found when I ...
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Nov 6, 2021 · I can't work out why my css and js folders are not loading the content in the index.html . The image referenced in the <img/> tag is in the root ...
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If you are uploading your canary scripts using an Amazon S3 location, your zip file should include your script under this folder structure: nodejs/node_modules/ ...
Nov 2, 2017 · Hello I am fairly new to web design and have been having a lot of trouble sourcing Js files into my html web page. Here are my files:
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Oct 18, 2020 · You absolutely can. I recommend setting up an s3 bucket with website hosting, and then adding a Cloudfront distribution. This allows you to use custom domain ...
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Mar 10, 2019 · In my case the problem was that the minimized index.html on dist had all the and <script> tags pointing to a subfolder that didn't exist <script ...
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After you create your Amazon Cognito identity pool, you're ready to add permissions for Amazon Polly that are needed by your browser script. Step 2: Add a ...