Feb 10, 2011 · To make Apache list the files in a directory, you need to enable the Indexes option too, eg change <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </ ...
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Sep 11, 2014 · Apache must have +x permissions for all parent directories of both the symlink and the target, as it is required to descend into a directory.
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Sep 11, 2011 · The 403 error may also be caused by an encrypted file system, eg a symlink to an encrypted home folder.
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May 4, 2013 · On my previous computer, I had to enable FollowSymLinks in httpd.conf, because I store my web site HTML files in my home directory, and link to them from a ...
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Mar 8, 2011 · To a non-chrooted Apache, symlinks certainly pose a significant risk to exposing files outside of your document root.
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Oct 20, 2012 · I am just using the standard apache config file which mentions that it follows symlinks, but when I hit the url http://localhost/test it ...
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May 12, 2015 · A symlink should work fine. You may or may not need to add the directory to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf so that apache knows it is allowed to access the non- ...
Missing: q= 3A% 2Fsuperuser. 2Fquestions% 2F244245%
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