Aug 2, 2015 · Your 000-default.conf file is a catch-all site and should be left alone. It is good for security. It can be frustrating when a site configuration does not work.
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Dec 15, 2016 · This will disable the "Default" site, enable the "Default" site, and then the restart of Apache will refresh the configuration and should then ...
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Sep 9, 2016 · Adding an Explicit ServerName to 000-default.conf will indeed fix things, as long as its not the same as any of your others.
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Apr 24, 2016 · If you don't have any virtual hosts defined/configured, Apache will still serve the requests using its default virtual host.
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Jun 15, 2018 · I'm trying to set up virtual hosts for Apache2. There are tons of tutorials, but they all presume that the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf ...
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Mar 28, 2016 · I try to setup two domains on one server, using apache and virtual hosts. I created one conf-file for each domain, but it seems that apache is always using 000 ...
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Mar 23, 2014 · This was working just fine, but when I nano in (using nano 000-default.conf), I am seeing just a blank page in the terminal. When I do the same ...
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Jan 6, 2020 · Take the 000-default.conf file and fill it in for 1 of the sites. Change its name to say, mysite1.conf, then do the same again for every site I have.
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