May 1, 2019 · The immunodeficient NSG mice enable research in human immune function, infectious disease, diabetes, oncology, and stem cell biology.
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The Jackson Laboratory's mission is to discover precise genomic solutions for disease and empower the global biomedical community in the shared quest to ...
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Run the studies you need with JAX Clinical and Research Services: evaluate therapeutic candidates, determine pharmacokinetics, and preview population toxicity.
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May 1, 2023 · Common Name: mdx ; These spontaneous Dmdmdx mutant mice do not express dystrophin and may be useful for studying Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Oct 3, 2023 · These mice have the simian diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR; from simian Hbegf) inserted into the Gt(ROSA)26Sor (ROSA26) locus.
Nov 22, 2023 · These LysMcre mice may be useful for Cre-lox studies of the myeloid cell lineage (monocytes, mature macrophages and granulocytes) and the innate immune ...
Sep 27, 2023 · The NOD/ShiLtJ strain (commonly called NOD) is a polygenic model for autoimmune type 1 diabetes. Diabetes in NOD mice is characterized by hyperglycemia and ...
Jul 27, 2018 · This strain was found to be susceptible to infection by Listeria monocytogenes, with a 3 day median time to death in females (Cheers and ...
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