Using 10 bits we can represent 1024 numbers. That is we can get 1024 different combinations of closed and open fingers ( includes one combination where all fingers are closed to represent 0). It goes from 2^0 ( 1 ) to 2^9 ( 512 ).
Jan 20, 2021
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Oct 19, 2019 · Since we have 10 fingers we can have 10 bits. Using 10 bits we can represent 1024 numbers. That is we can get 1024 different combinations of ...
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May 9, 2023 · How high could you count in binary if you used all 10 of your fingers as bits? 210=1024 2 10 = 1024 so there are 1024 possible numbers.
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Feb 6, 2021 · How high could you count in binary if you used all 10 of your fingers as bits? ... Using 10 bits we can represent 1024 numbers. That is we ...
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Dec 19, 2014 · How many distinct numbers can we count using the fingers in our hands, 10 or 11? 1024, by using binary encoding, or 59049 by using ternary ...
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Jun 29, 2019 · How high could you count in binary if you used all 10 of your fingers as bits? 210=1024 2 10 = 1024 so there are 1024 possible numbers.
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