The Razor III is the current top of the line optic offered by Vortex and was heralded as a wonderoptic by the gun social media. Big claims about it being a ZCO ...
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Oct 23, 2023 · Many (most?) gun owners seem intelligent enough and educated enough to be safe gun owners. A minority of gun owners however seem completely incompetent.
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Jul 31, 2024 · The most well-supported conclusion is that the right secured by the Second Amendment belongs not only to the States but also to individuals generally.
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Liberalgunowners: Gun-ownership through a pro-gun liberal / leftist lens.
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"THANK YOU for tirelessly standing up for our 2nd Amendment rights!... Please continue your no-compromise stand against the gun-grabbing crowd in the media, the ...
r/Firearms: Discuss firearms, politics, 2nd amendment news. We value freedom of speech as much as we do the right to keep and bear arms. Posts must…
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Sep 20, 2023 · A Fudd is a gun owner who thinks that as long as he can have his deer rifle all us well with the world. Doesn't care about any other gun issues.
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r/guncontrol: We're a well-regulated sub that accepts the science that many gun control laws are effective at reducing death. Make sure to use…
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