Mar 15, 2024 · Journey into the Seven Jeweled Mountain, surrounded by vivid animation inspired by a 19th-century folding screen that illustrates the mountain's striking ...
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Mar 15, 2024 · Journey into the Seven Jeweled Mountain, surrounded by vivid animation inspired by a 19th-century folding screen that illustrates the ...
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Visitors are encouraged to relax in the exhibition space, immersed in the mountain's sublime sights and sounds, with a soundtrack by the globally acclaimed ...
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Aug 6, 2024 · An immersive hike through a mountain in North Korea's northernmost province with dynamic atmospheric changes, unique geological features, and breathtaking ...
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Journey into the wondrous terrain of the Seven Jeweled Mountain through an immersive, large-scale projection of its legendary scenery as illustrated in a 19th- ...
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Feb 15, 2024 · A captivating and immersive experience that takes them on a digital journey through the terrain of the Seven Jeweled Mountain.
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Video for q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.universitycircle.org%2Fevents%2F2024%2F03%2F15%2Finto-the-seven-jeweled-mountain-an-immersive-experience
Duration: 0:31
Posted: Mar 20, 2024
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Journey into the wondrous terrain of the Seven Jeweled Mountain through an immersive, large-scale projection of its legendary scenery.
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