Plate tectonic processes recycle the surface of the Earth, keeping it in constant motion, constantly changing. At this interactive station you can explore ...
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Welcome to the Cornell University's Geoscience Information System and International Earth Science Projects pages! Our research involves both building Geoscince ...
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A new program at Cornell will tackle critical environmental challenges by integrating advanced AI tools with sustainability research across the campus, ...
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Alfred Wegener gathered different types of evidence in support of the idea that the continents had moved across the surface of the Earth.
Take a look at mountains, volcanoes, the age of the ocean floor and more! Choose any combination of feature and place by clicking an X below.
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An intensive 2-week summer training workshop is offered to give participants the practical skills needed to work independently to acquire, analyze and ...
INSTOC's main mission is to promote innovative research into the structure and geologic evolution of the continents. Since its inception in the early 1980s, ...
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Earth Source Heat is Cornell's version of a geothermal system that would use the earth's internal heat to warm the Ithaca campus. The project is a research ...
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