Feb 6, 2017 · I'm getting "Index of /" with directory of pages that i have created.But when i click on anyone directory the index.html page is loaded and displaying the page.
Missing: q= q% 3Dhttps% 3A% 2Fserverfault. 2Fquestions% 2F830888% 2Fapache2- 3Aserverfault.
Dec 28, 2011 · It is likely that your site's index page (index.php) isn't configured as one of the default index pages for a website on the host's server.
Missing: q= q% 3Dhttps% 3A% 2Fserverfault. 2Fquestions% 2F830888% 2Fapache2- hostpage 3Aserverfault.
Go to the public_html folder of your domain via File Manager and check that the index file name is written correctly.
Nov 27, 2013 · You need an index or a page for the web server to serve up as the page for the site. To get started you could upload an "index.html" page ...
Missing: q= q% 3Dhttps% 3A% 2Fserverfault. 2Fquestions% 2F830888% 2Fapache2- hostpage 3Aserverfault.
Jan 8, 2017 · The server specifically looks for named files as the first page of your website, also known as the index page. The default order of index file ...
Missing: q= q% 3Dhttps% 3A% 2Fserverfault. 2Fquestions% 2F830888% 2Fapache2- hostpage 3Aserverfault.
Jan 10, 2013 · If the server finds no index, it'll show a list of all the files on your site. The easiest solution is to upload an index file onto your account.
May 11, 2018 · To get FancyIndexing to work in Apache 2.4, find the LoadModule directive for autoindex_module in httpd.conf and make sure it is uncommented.
Missing: 3Dhttps% 3A% 2Fserverfault. 2Fquestions% 2F830888% 2Fapache2- hostpage 3Aserverfault.
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Mar 31, 2015 · Try the following: Enable verbose logs sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Locate the LogLevel variable, and update it from the default warn to info or debug.
Missing: q= q% 3Dhttps% 3A% 2Fserverfault. 2Fquestions% 2F830888% 2Fapache2- call- hostpage 3Aserverfault.