May 11, 2018 · To get FancyIndexing to work in Apache 2.4, find the LoadModule directive for autoindex_module in httpd.conf and make sure it is uncommented.
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Oct 11, 2013 · I recommend using .htaccess . You only need to add: DirectoryIndex home.php. Or whatever page name you want to have for it.
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Mar 31, 2015 · When you disabled the default site and restarted apache, it was still showing the default index.html page, or was it showing one from a ...
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Feb 6, 2017 · I'm getting "Index of /" with directory of pages that i have created.But when i click on anyone directory the index.html page is loaded and displaying the page.
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Apr 22, 2020 · You will have to disable the example site and enable your moodle site. You can do this by using the a2ensite and a2dissite commands.
Apr 4, 2015 · The best way is to add DirectoryIndex to your vhost configuration. <Directory /foo> DirectoryIndex home.php Allow Override All </Directory>.
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Jul 2, 2014 · I have a question. Can Apache under heavy load to display the above page, not the site's content? Or what could be the problem?
Feb 2, 2016 · When I go to www.mydomain.com, the "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" appears. The domain is no reading the index.html file. Could you please help me?
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